Measure A
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Measure A?
Measure A is on the May 6 ballot to renew the annual parcel tax that provides reliable and essential locally controlled funding to San José Unified schools. Renewing this funding would extend the current tax rate of $72 per parcel per year for eight years without increasing taxes. Measure A supports retention of exceptional teachers and protects excellent academic programs in San José Unified School District.
How much does Measure A cost?
Voting YES on A simply extends the annual $72 parcel tax set to expire in June of 2025 for another eight years without increasing taxes. Homeowners age 65+ who have previously qualified for an age-based exemption are not required to reapply.
Are any exemptions available to Measure A?
Measure A exempts homeowners age 65+ for the duration of the measure after a simple one-time application and qualification process. Those who are currently exempt do not need to reapply as their exemptions will auto-renew with renewal of the measure.
How long will Measure A last?
Voting YES on A would extend the duration of the current local funding for an additional eight years until June of 2033. Measure A maintains the same level of funding without increasing taxes.
What would Measure A be used for?
Voting YES on A will:
Attract and retain exceptional teachers and staff
Protect core academic programs in reading, writing, math, the arts, and science
Improve programs that prepare students for college and careers
Why do we need Measure A?
In 2016, voters approved Measure Y, which provides approximately $5 million annually in locally controlled school funding. This funding has been vital for retaining quality teachers and staff and maintaining excellent academic programs in academic programs in reading, writing, math, the arts, and science. Funding will expire in June 2025 unless we vote YES on A.
How can I be sure funds from Measure A will be spent as promised?
Voting YES on A continues strict accountability protections that ensure funds are spent as promised. 100% of Measure A funds will remain under local control and the independent citizens' oversight committee will continue to review and report on all spending.
Has San José Unified used past voter-approved funding as promised?
Yes. The independent citizens’ oversight committee has reviewed every penny of parcel tax funding and consistently found that San José Unified has spent all funds on voter-approved projects and programs. You can read the latest reports by visiting https://go.sjusd.org/ptoc.
I don’t have school-aged children. How does Measure A impact me?
Quality schools are the cornerstone of our community. Excellent education not only prepares our children for future success but also preserves our property values and enhances the well-being of our neighborhoods. Vote YES on A to renew locally controlled funding for quality teachers and academics in our neighborhood schools without increasing taxes.
Didn’t we just vote on a school measure?
Our community approved Measure R, a school facilities improvement measure, in November 2024. Measure R funding can only be used for facilities repairs and improvements, but not for teaching and academics. Measure A will renew local funding that supports teachers, staff and academic programming, without increasing taxes.
How many votes does Measure A need to pass?
Measure A requires a 66.7% YES vote in order to be approved. Voting Yes on A simply extends the local school funding approved by voters and will not raise taxes.
When can I vote YES on A?
Measure A is on the May 6, mail only, special election ballot. All voters in San José Unified School District will receive a ballot in the mail the week on April 7. You may return your ballot by mail or at a ballot drop box.
How can I register to vote or learn more about voting?
To check your voter registration or to learn more about voting, please visit the Santa Clara County Registrar of Voters website, vote.santaclaracounty.gov or call 866-430-8683.
How can I support Measure A?
Our campaign is a grassroots organization dedicated to renewing local funding for our schools without raising taxes by passing Measure A. To help pass Measure A you can endorse, volunteer, display a yard sign, or donate to the campaign.